Seinfeld: The Calzone (1996)
Season 7, Episode 19
TODD GACK second best name on Seinfeld. The Best was ALEC BEEEEEEERG
13 March 2023
Mh... Calzone.... *Drools*

This review was typed on March 13th of the year 2023rd.

What was this episode about?: George get the Yankee Boss hooked on a pizza patty. George becomes his hook up.

Kramer wamrs up a shirt. I kid you not.

Elaine is dubbed AND tricked by a TODD GACK to go out on dates.

Jerry dates a bomb shell that has magical powers

Story and Production: A fun busy story. Elaine's story was interesting only because of TODD GACK and his schemes.

Jerry's girlfriend storyline had fun bits. I am not a fan of the superfast scenes. In seasons 1 to 6 they took their time. By 7 to 9 many scenes were just too fast and the scene transition music can sometimes get annoying.

Overall a Dlish of an episode.

Highlight: the name TODD GACK. Jerry's bombshell, Kramer counting his change, Elaines loophole boyfriend... Newman scene.

Laugh Meter: 9

Villain: TODD GACK because he was slimy.

Girlfriend Attractiveness Level: niki was a 10. However, i ain't a simp... I play hard to get.

What can be learned?: Remember to tip?

Verdict: D-Lish Pizza Patty.
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