Feed Me (2022)
Assisted Suicide
13 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Jed Freeman goes off the deep end when his wife Alex (Hannah Al Rashid) is eaten up from the inside with cancer. At her funeral he meets Lionel Flack (Neal Ward) an odd stranger who carries his own champagne glasses with him. Lionel offers to help Jed end his emptiness through assisted suicide. In order to meet his wife he needs to be eaten from the outside. Lionel so kindly offers to slowly cut him up and eat him over time. Jed agrees and neither man see anything unusual in the situation, although Jed has some pain and bleeding issues.

Lionel lives in a rather depressing flat with a very ugly rug. While I love dark and oddball comedies, I failed to see the humor in this film. It was simply gross and silly without any real direction.

Guide: F-word. Nudity. No sex.
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