Incredible for it´s time, underwhelming today
16 March 2023
Okay, this one is really tough to rate and review. Let´s start by acknowledge why it´s great, important, and good. Winsor McCay is one of the pioneers of animation. Without him and work like this short, animation would not be where it is today. Surely another like him would emerge eventually, but here we are. The animation is cool to look at and McCay clearly had a style to his drawings, but I most say I find the short too long for what it is. It´s repetitive and it´s nature is a bit in east and west. I´m personally not a fan and wont revisit it anytime soon but acknowledging the importance might make you feel different about it.

A hungry mosquito sucks the blood of a sleeping man.

The animation is simple but looks really nice. It has a style to it that I can´t tell was intentionally scary or looks exactly like McCay wanted it. It´s a really nightmarish looking animation that is pure nightmarefuel. The mosquito looks scary enough, but the man looks so horrifying. This is not helped by the over-the-top actions of the mosquito that makes the act of sucking blood look so extreme and unpleasant. Again, I have no idea if that was the intentional feelings McCay wanted to Conway, but here we are.

While the animation has a style to it it´s still really primitive and there is so much repetition to what happens. The mosquito dose the same action three or four times in a row and for a short that is 6 minutes it feels so much longer because of it. While it looks and works fine, I think it could have conveyed what it wanted in less runtime. There just isn't a lot to it and the primitive nature hasn't aged it well. I forgive it for the primitive state though since it was groundbreaking for the time.

The music is also a bit tone shifting all throughout. It´s also disturbing yet triumphant when the mosquito gets´s to suck blood and I'm not sure if it´s the hero of villain of the story.

While once again, I´ll acknowledge the importance of McCay´s work it´s not something I´m drawn too. I find it too scary, simple, repetitive and while groundbreaking for it´s time, it´s a bit lackluster and not that impactful today. While it´s fine I find it a bit to boring to really want to watch it again.
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