Breaking Bad: Crazy Handful of Nothin' (2008)
Season 1, Episode 6
Heisenberg is BORN!!
17 March 2023
Wow! This episode was a crazy handful of everythin'! After a couple of build-up episodes that explored our characters and their reasons, we get an episode where things are picking up! I was left very satisfied when the episode came to an end! I feel very confident in calling this the best of season 1!

Walt confronting Tuco is the best part of the episode! It was just EPIC! In a series filled with iconic scenes, it still remains one of the more memorable, as Walt really shines! You could say he is not the same, but became someone else!

Directing and effects are amazing and it still hold up to this day! Raymond Cruz NAILED his performance and turned Tuco into one of the best villains in the show!
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