Review of Zwigato

Zwigato (2022)
Added a delivery tip after seeing this movie
17 March 2023
Life as a delivery partner is far from glamorous. It's a harsh reality that exposes the stark inequality and exploitation that exists in our society. Despite working long hours and taking on immense physical and mental strain, these workers often earn a meager wage that barely covers their basic needs.

The disparity between the wealthy and the working class is striking, with the former benefiting from the labor of the latter while offering little in return. Delivery partners are forced to navigate treacherous roads and face dangerous situations, all while being paid as little as 20 Rs for their services.

This exploitation is perpetuated by a system that prioritizes profits over people, with companies relying on underpaid workers to maximize their margins. The heartbreaking reality is that many of these workers are trapped in a cycle of poverty, unable to break free from the clutches of an unjust system.

It's time for society to acknowledge and address the systemic issues that contribute to the exploitation of delivery partners and other low-wage workers. Until we recognize the humanity of these workers and value their contributions, we cannot claim to live in a just and equitable society.
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