Waco (1952)
Wacko B Western with Elliott switching from law abiding to criminal to sheriff
17 March 2023
To me a complete unknown, Lewis Collins directs this undistinguished B Western featuring "Wild" Bill Elliott, who does not look exactly comfortable, but is still a sight more interesting to watch than the rest of the cast, . The acting is consistently wooden, especially Pamela Blake as the daughter of a man smoked by Matthew Boone (Elliott). She plans to kill Boone to avenge Dad but ends up falling in love instead.

Even harder to believe: Elliott starts off as a well behaved town resident who gets unwillingly involved in a robbery and stays on with the thieves, whose leader is the jolly good fellow Stanford Jolley, who is quite understanding when Elliott decides to become a lawman.

Unfortunately, henchman Fierro wants the new sheriff to continue grafting and grifting for the gang, and is oredictably far from pleased to see Elliott depart and a shootout between trigger-happy psychopath Fierro and Elliott becomes inevitable.

WACO is thankfully 68' long... but ought to have its title changed to WACKO!
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