Game of Thrones: The Climb (2013)
Season 3, Episode 6
The Climb. S3 EP6 review
17 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Soundtrack : (9.4/10) Dialogue : (10/10) Story : (9/10) Cinematography : (9.5/10) Character development : (9.3/10) Conflict : (9.1/10) Excitement : (9.1/10) Reasonableness : (9.4/10) Overall : (9.3/10)

Pros :
  • as the name of the episode says, Jon's climb takes the biggest amount of attention and needless to say, all scenes regarding the climb was great. Jon and Yigrette's relationship is one of my favorite in the show. The last scene looks like a painting from how beautiful it is and the cinematography was great.

  • The best scene in this episode was Lord Baelish's monologue. What a line he says. The dialogue in this scene is my favorite and the acting was surreal. I love that when Littlefinger talks about people who refuse to climb, the scene shifts to Sansa heartbroken and how she missed Baelish's ship to cling to the hope of marrying Ser Loras.

  • Sam and Gilly's scene was wholesome.

  • Thoros taking about reviving Beric was amazing and it says a lot about his character.

  • Ramsey is a complete maniac. His delivery of his lines are terrifying as hell. It's horrific that Ramsey tortures Theon just because he enjoys it.

  • Jaimie is becoming more honorable gradually each episode. I love that he insists on bringing Brienne with him to save her from getting tortured and his character is yet to be fully developed.

  • Tywin and Olenna discussing the marriage proposal is golden and it shows how smart these characters are and that they are the real rulers of their houses.

  • Anguy teaches Arya how to be a better archer is amazing. I loved Anguy in this scene and I wished that we saw more of him. Such an interesting character.

Cons :
  • I think that an good explanation on how Milesandre finds Gendry was needed, along with that the scene could used the help of a better care but it was fine nevertheless.
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