'Dreadful Bias' - Find The Review w/That Title
18 March 2023
Spot on. Hypocritical, extremely long, convoluted feminism in the sense that girls are inherently naive, free thinking, culpability, awareness of societal norms....they are so helpless, pure and malleable that they can't possibly be held responsible. How does portraying a girl as 100% helpless and incapable of consciousness support any hope for egalitarian society? It's so absurd. All of the token stock footage of 'cop car in the 50s' that clearly has nothing to do with this case is rampant.

They eventually go on to criticize the likes of Terrance Malick, David Lynch, Quinten Tarantino, Oliver Stone and others for 'getting the story wrong.' It so wasn't like that 😭

Then they screen the film Badlands for the 'victim' in prison and SHE says 'wow.....that's exactly how it was!' Then these 'experts' who were not born at the time of the crimes go on to explain how her opinion is wrong. She shows no emotion; ever. THATS because she was coached to not show emotion. Ehhh.

Natural Born Killers has absolutely nothing to do with this case. Natural Born Killers is about absolutely dirtbags who become obsessed with violence and can't help but make painfully cheap limited series for Showtime. The director even included a clip of Oliver Stone explaining the film isn't about Micky and Mallory; it's how society and media hyperbolically celebrate them. THEN you include the 'expert' who goes on to say what horrible a horrible film it is for getting the facts wrong. NOT EVERY FILM WITH a) Man b) Woman c) Violence IS BASED ON YOUR STUPID OBSESSION! It's not that original!

There is not a single relevant individual included in the half dozen people who speak over stock footage of the 1950s. There is a scene where it would have been great to hear from individuals who are very much alive and very much easy to contact. Did you think to call Martin Sheen? Any of the directors? How about a local politician? ANYONE.

There is a feature length documentary worth of subject matter that an open minded documentarian could have worked with. It IS an interesting subject until this series ruins its credibility. What a waste.

Watch Paradise Lost, Thin Blue Line, Making A Murderer or even the fictional The Night Of is far more based in reality than this ineffective five hour agenda.
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