Review of The Dunes

The Dunes (II) (2019)
A waste of time
19 March 2023
I resent Hulu's synopsis, which promises a thriller, when in fact there's nothing more to the story than just that: a young couple encounters an insane, murderous old woman at the beach.

The question posed by Hulu's synopsis on whether or not the old woman manages to kill both young people is never answered, because there's no way to tell.

The old woman kills one because she's taking him by surprise, but how is she going to kill the other one?!

A young, healthy person would have the upper hand in a confrontation with an old, UNARMED woman.

I wouldn't call this a movie; rather, a student project, perhaps, and even then it would get a fail mark because there's no message, and no point whatsoever.

The only positive is that this idiocy lasted only 7 minutes.

In the search for content, Hulu and all other streaming channels give a platform to all these so-called films that are nothing but a waste of resources, of which the most valuable is TIME.
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