Dumb, dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb
20 March 2023
How many "dumbs" would it take to equal 600 letters? Because that review would suffice to summarize this film.

First, an in-his-50s producer with supposedly two in-their-20s step brother and sister. This reeks of a guy who wants to play a super hero, so decided to produce and star in the film himself... because that's exactly what it is.

Is he an egotist? Doesn't seem to be. First, he presents himself as a failing car dealer. He doesn't have a half-dressed 20 year old starlet for a girlfriend (or even a love interest at all). And finally, he repeatedly gets his tail kicked all the way through the film. Those aren't the traits of an egotist. This appears to be more like a guy living out a childhood fantasy and making a film just for the fun of it. Can't fault someone for living a dream.

The fight choreography was decent, if that's what you come here to see. If you're looking for any kind of story or plot line that holds together, forget it. Seriously, a guy who can't fight unless he's wearing his goofy-looking wrestling outfit? (And even then, do we call that fighting?)

The only worthwhile part of the film are the end credits, which are totally an homage to his nana (who evidently adopted him when he was a baby), with the final photo evidently at her 99th birthday. This is a man who loved his mother her entire life. One can't help admire that. But then during the film there is one, gratuitous, totally-unnecessary MF bomb... which has to make one wonder what the man is thinking. Is that how you respect your mom?

For the movie, let's just consider it a fan film where the guy wanted to play the lead role, and leave it at that. It has a little going for it in the camera work and choreography... not much in the story or acting. Best line in the film, "I don' need no steenkin'...." (well, you'll see, if you want to waste a couple of hours). Beyond that, this is a near Asylum level film (well, maybe not quite that bad. We'll give it some credit). Unless you're into corny kung fu fan films, this can be given a pass. I'm sure however that some will love it, basically because it's a corny kung fu fan film.
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