Popeye the Sailor: The Mark of Zero (1961)
Season 2, Episode 19
What kind of a demented parent would name their . . .
20 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
. . . daughter "Diesel Oil?" How could this young lady show up for her first day of school without being asked at least 50 times if she has a brother named "Coconut?" Back in the 1980's the Boston Red Socks had a pitcher named Oil Can Boyd, who tipped the scales at a measly 150 pounds even though his parents were named "Girth" and "Hefty." The Bean Town Boys lost the 1986 World Series when scheduled starter Can got sloshed to the gills. Drunk as a trunk, Can never threw a pitch during that humiliating loss to the Angels. Can was exiled to Mexico, where it's rumored than he has THE MARK OF ZERO playing on a continuous loop in his corrugated tin lean-to. Popeye, of course, was often found with a pipe in his mouth, something that Can has taken a crack at as well.
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