Santo (2022– )
from "missed potential" to blatant disrespect
23 March 2023
The series has its appeal at first glance & a lot of potential for a interesting show come to mind: 2 countries, different landscapes/ sceneries, (cop-) cultures, the premise of a detective team of different backgrounds that needs to work together.

So I started out interested, somewhat sold on this idea.

And off it goes: Parts being still promising: fairly good action, somewhat thrilling atmosphere & scenery, well chosen cast.

But then it starts to stay blank in many ways:

The confusion of timelines alone is one thing (lots of people pointed this out well enough in the other comments). It's not good, but somewhat you get into this later. For me they just overdid it a little there.

But what's really bad/worse is, it just doesn't keep up with the big premise it's all mystery, darkness, confusion, but just too little of that plot make sense overall, too many desicions of the cast seem poor (if not just plain random). The "deceiving" main villain gets everything its way as if there are only brainless zombies around them. And last but not least: The protagonists never get at least one bit of cooperation or work done together: everyone just stumbles around in their own misery, achieving nothing.

(there is this one female police having at least some motivation - and relatability - but this can't save this, because this are only short climpses of hope here and there)

2/10 for the premise, but nothing more.

& oh yes, this "well, let's just do nothing" ending was the worst. All just to blatantly make it clear, there will be a second season - wich really nobody in their right mind can want after seeing this 6 episodes.
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