The Fugitive: Nobody Loses All the Time (1966)
Season 4, Episode 10
Nobody loses all the time... except Gerard
24 March 2023
Dick is toiling as a bartender when he sees a news report of a huge fire apparently close by. And standing there watching is one-arm Fred! Johnson, who was seldom seen the first three seasons, is now all over the place. It's open bar as Kimble runs out to catch him old one-arm. But Freddie doesn't get caught easy, and pushes his girlfriend into the path of an oncoming truck as he runs away. Dick is caught up by that pesky oath he took and has to care for FJ's squeeze, Maggie, instead of chasing the OAM. Dick poses as a doctor so he can stay with Maggie in the hope she will lead him to Fred. He even says he will sign for a private room for her, but of course he signs a made up name and has never paid a hospital bill anyway. He tells her he needs to get to Fred, and she owes him because he saved her life. But Fred is apparently fairly nice to her, and she doesn't want to lose him, so she calls him after Dick leaves. Fred pressures her to turn him in, which she does, not knowing he's under a death sentence. Dick barely escapes by stealing an ambulance (take note, Harrison Ford). Dick has an ally in the always lovely Joanna Moore, a seemingly lonely nurse. Meanwhile, Gerard, the coyote to Kimble's roadrunner, shows up and obnoxiously takes charge. But Dick and Joanna outsmart a hospital full of cops, and Gerard chases after a mortician he thinks is Kimble, while the real Richard Kimble slips away and remains.....a fugitive. And after all that, Fred dumps Maggie.
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