Normalizes marital rape and victim blaming
24 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Good things: acting of most main characters, especially the three main cops. Cinematography is good, background music is appropriate. There were a few funny moments that were very well done without being clownish.

Bad things: The lady playing Rinku was awful. Her friends weren't good either. The birthday song was unnecessary. The main culprit is supposed to be poor, but he has stylish tattoos, wears a fancy watch, rides a bike and his overall attire does not reflect his economic status. Everything is overly sexualized.

The unforgivable things: The movie normalizes marital rape, even sympathizes with it. It is a very misogynistic movie, several dialogues showcase that mentality. There is blatant victim blaming in Shabor's last monologue. That type of monologue is irritating by its own right, but blaming a 21 year old girl and her family as a reason of her getting raped and murder is the lowest you can go as a filmmaker. These incidents do not happen because the girl's family did not teach her properly or did not pay attention to her. These atrocities happen because the boys are not educated well. The cannot manage their expectations and therefore turn out to be animals.
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