Review of The Bounty

Star Trek: Picard: The Bounty (2023)
Season 3, Episode 6
Episode 6 raised the bar again
24 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Episode 6 finally brings together practically all of the ST:NG crew (except for Wesley Crusher) and they all have meaningful roles, not just cameos. But the real easter eggs await on the Daystrom Station.


Daystrom Station is where Starfleet stores its most secret tech and "weapons". This includes a genetically-modified tribble (that still hates Klingons), a Genesis II device (a modification of the original Genesis device from "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan"), and for some reason they are storing the skeletal remains of one James T. Kirk! (Will Shatner finally make an appearance?) And at the center of it all is a new version of an AI android that now houses the memories of Data, Lore, B4 Lal, and Soong. This new version of Data conjures up Professor Moriarity as a security device (Daniel Davis reprises the same role he played on ST:NG in 1988 and 1993). And there is yet another callback to "Encounter at Farpoint", this time where Ricker whistles the end of "Pop! Goes the Weasel&". Wow! (Ricker apparently has perfect pitch.)

(A passing reference is made that Daystrom Station is home to Starfleet Intelligence's Section 31. A new Section 31 series is supposedly in the works, so could this be the introduction to the new show's new home? Time will tell.)

More easter eggs await the Fleet Museum at Athan Prime. Here we see docked a "who's who" of starships - the Defiant, Voyager, the Enterprise (1701-A, with those "retro lines"), and a bird of prey named the HMS Bounty from "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home" (even Shaw knows about the whales). And it is that ship that provides a critical and illegal piece of tech - the cloaking device - that allows the Titan to elude renegade Starfleet starships. Former engineer (now Captain) Shaw gets all fanboy over meeting Geordi , who runs the museum.

But alas, Ricker is captured by Vadic at the end, who is holding Troi hostage (or is she also a changeling?). But we do find out what was stolen from Daystrom, the manifest being stored inside the new Data's positronic brain. His eyes are also a digital projector and we see what was the big things that's stolen - Picard's human remains. (What is it with Dayton and the remains of captains bodies?)

Now with only 48 hours to the climactic Frontier Day (and only 4 episodes left), Season 3 of ST:Picard is racing to its conclusion. I wasn't overly critical of the first two seasons, but I wish they had been at this level of story-telling, call-backs, and reunions. Excellent episode and can't wait for the Final Four (episodes that is).
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