Title: Award winning team.
24 March 2023
Award Winning Team

Swaylee and his team of genius's have delivered more powerful work here, I would go as far as calling it a masterpiece as it has some of the best acting I've ever seen especially from the lead actor swaylee Loughnane this guy in a total inspiration I now follow him on social media and wow this guy is a cool dude, he is the man baby!!

Legendary performances on London live , prime video , Amazon studio, paus TV , Netflix , BBC this man is a god . God bless Swaylee Loughnane for being the absolute genius of filmmaking and the king of Essex filmmaking he makes film after film all marketable and exciting to watch. He can play a wide range of characters and it's always exciting to watch him on the screen on prime video and I had the pleasure of watching him on a massive silver screen at VUE CINEMA in the WEST END and wow what a handsome hunk this guy is. It took my breath away watching him act in this great movie. Some bad acting in it tho I'm afraid also by Sarah and Clarke but all the rest were great.

Lovely soundtrack and musical score beautiful locations in Spain and Miami and lovely good looking actors like Henrietta and Wendy not so much Sarah lol, because of the bad actors I'll give this 9/10 without Sarah it would have been 10/10. This woman should not have been the lead she looks 60 lol however Swaylee really showed us a master class in acting here bless him what a guy he is x.
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