The Rookie: Double Trouble (2023)
Season 5, Episode 18
What did I just watch
25 March 2023
When Dim and Juicy first appeared in previous episodes, that was barely watchable and borderline cringe. Now they re-appear, and if the whole doppelganger thing wasn't silly enough, they also decided to throw in an additional doppelganger painting of the sergeant, seriously? Whichever writer(s) has an obsession with doppelgangers, needs to go to therapy. If all this nonsense wasn't cringe enough, the entire episode is filmed from the perspective that a documentary is being filmed, another vomit-inducing side-plot, that borderlines infantile writing. As if the LAPD would even allow third-party outside filming during these multiple investigations. This entire episode felt cheap and lazily written, and something I'd expect to see from a high school drama class. So writers, stick to the basics, great police procedural episodes that have heart, humor and suspense, not this lame cheesy filler teenybopper garbage. Thankfully the writers eased up Nolans partner Celina Juarez and her nonsense premonitions on the job, because those were starting to get annoying, but not even close to this episode, the absolute worst of them all, no close second place.
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