Review of Going Home

Once Upon a Time: Going Home (2013)
Season 3, Episode 11
Another day, another curse
26 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
'Going Home' is good conclusion to a mid season finale. It ends the Peter Pan arc, which is a shame because I think Pan was one of the best villains in Once Upon a time. But before he goes he leaves Storybrooke with another new curse. I'm still quite confused where he got the curse from, but the Henry/Pan switch was interesting to watch.

As I did like the episode, but it seemed weird how easily Emma was ready to leave her family. I know it was for Henry, and saving him, but still - wasn't she just episodes ago saying to Mary Margaret not to give up (about David's curse?) And now she just leaves without thinking of solution? Especially with forgetting everything... but the end of episode was nicely done.
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