Monster Hunter: Rise (2021 Video Game)
Monster Hunter Rise Entertaining Despite Technical Constraints
26 March 2023
"Monster Hunter World was the first game in the Monster Hunter series that I had the opportunity to play. In my childhood, I sporadically played an older title from the series on the PlayStation for a few hours, but with limited success. However, Monster Hunter World captivated me and I invested over 250 hours into it. Playing with friends and acquaintances was incredibly entertaining (yet sometimes equally frustrating), and the graphics were stunning. Upon hearing that Monster Hunter Rise was releasing on the Nintendo Switch, I was disappointed since although I own a Nintendo Switch, it seldom gets used, thus, I did not have the opportunity to play Monster Hunter Rise back then. Nonetheless, with the release on the PS4/PS5, this has now changed. The technical constraints of the Nintendo Switch are unequivocally evident in the game, with "The Last Of Us" on the PS3 having had superior graphics. Nonetheless, Monster Hunter Rise proved to be immensely enjoyable, providing a typical level of challenge and reward when executing the final, decisive attack in a combo. The new wirebug mechanic was a delightful addition, providing additional attacking, dodging, and mobility options. The game follows the customary Monster Hunter format, with grind forming 99% of the gameplay, but typically keeping players motivated throughout. The sole point of contention is the "Rampage" missions, which operate like a tower defense game mode. These missions are easy to solo in single-player mode, but require a full team for multiplayer, a condition that I did not always meet. Additionally, this mode can be tedious and drawn-out. Notwithstanding this issue, Monster Hunter Rise remains a splendid game, plagued only by hardware limitations."
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