I guess I'm the odd one out on this one
29 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this episode. I get that the science is dodgy at best, and I've seen other reviewers mention that this is apparently a rip-off of an original series episode.

For me, a new Star Trek fan (I've only seen the first 4 films, a handful of Star Trek: Enterprise and Star Trek: Voyager episodes, and am currently working my way through TNG for the first time) I really loved the focus on teamwork, problem-solving and self-sacrifice in this episode.

Are the effects incredible? No but why would they be. Is the science credible? No but it doesn't need to be, at least to me. Jurassic Park isn't credible either but we accept it because the characters accept it.

What really hooked me during this episode was the way the characters disagreed, but put all their personal qualms aside and banded together, potentially risking it all, for the possibility of greater good.

I've never liked Dr. Pulaski before now but this episode finally sold me on her character. I half expected her to be killed off, I was in genuine suspense waiting to see if the transporter would save her or not. I also really loved the moment of reverence when the Enterprise bridge all stood before scuttling the derelict ship.

After so many duds in a row, this episode (at least to me, if you disagree that's perfectly fine) was a real breath of fresh air.
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