Tom Papa: What a Day! (2022 TV Special)
"Anything you don't do by 70, you don't have to do."
1 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Tom Papa picks up on his humorous observations of everyday life which I'd first experienced with his 2020 special 'You're Doing Great'. What I like about him is that he's able to do an entire routine without resorting to gutter language with every other sentence, although he does throw in a four letter every now and then. Here he has insights on active old people and how men are basically horrible, punctuated by the observation that "It's weird being a human being, isn't it?" My favorite though was when he went into an extended monolog about pugs, the canine variety. My granddaughter is a big pug fan, so I have to have her sit in on a rewatch. She won't be amused but I'll have fun watching her reaction. Younger viewers probably won't find the humor in Papa's delivery, but I think he's pretty good. He gave me a few laugh out loud moments and that's what I tuned in for.
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