Batman Ninja (2018)
When Batman meets Anime
2 April 2023
This movie is full of WTF moments. A risky attempt to fuse Batman and his mythos from DC Comics with the Japanese Anime style into one movie was a really bad idea, at least in my opinion it is. I don't think it worked at all. The animation although not the worst animation I've ever seen, it's good but in the Anime style and with some random changes on and off throughout the movie was quite annoying, strange and just didn't work for me

The story? The story is there is no story other than slap stick and over the top performances where the characters are not in characters at all. They made Batman a complete and utter fool for being too trusting thinking he'll never be betrayed and yet he does by Gorilla Grodd or Joker changing his ways. Oh in the opening scene involving Batman trying to stop Grodd with his time machine at Arkham that puts them and Batman's villains - Joker, Harley, Penguin, Catwoman and Two Face into ancient Japan all having their own states and territories looking to change history by uniting Japan as one country, somehow included Alfred, Nightwing, Redhood and the other Robins in the time rift as well. Completely stupid

I mean kudos for trying to do something really different with Batman but I didn't enjoy it and not exactly the biggest fan of Anime. If you love Anime that's fine, this movie will be right up your alley as well as being a fan of Batman himself and mixing him into Anime. But for me? Nope. This is worse than Adam West's campy Batman 66 movie. The Batman 66 movie is fun, hilarious and has a good story. Batman Ninja? Let's throw everything at the wall and whatever sticks we'll go with it no matter how insane or nonsensical it is. I mean for goodness sake out of nowhere they even used makeshift Transformers characters from Transformers styled as their own.
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