Review of W.S.H.

W.S.H. (1994 TV Movie)
A Revenge Fantasy For The Tinfoil Hat Brigade.
2 April 2023
This movie was shown as part of the BBC Weird Night schedule, most of which is available on Youtube.

The story focuses on a sceptical or rather rationale professor who engages in conversations about a number of urban myths. This movie however is more on the side of those who believe such nonsense, so its basically like a hit piece on scientific thought, with the professor being set up to look silly and to experience some of the urban myth outcomes he states aren't true. Its mean spirited approach makes you wonder just what kind of embarrassment and humiliation the people who have rated this movie highly have experienced? As its common knowledge that conspiracy theory people not only have to hold these beliefs, but that they also have to insist on trying to force you to take on board their crazy made up stories. Which of course tends to lead to them being ridiculed on a regular basis. This movie is the result of this process. Its obvious from reading the positive reviews on here the glee in which the reviewers relish the scientist coming to harm, simply for no, I don't believe your nutty stories because I am a qualified scientist who relies on data.

That is where we are with this garbage.

The only plus of the movie is the use of The Future Sound Of London being heavily featured throughout.

So unless you have a thing for silly ideas being believed over science or you enjoy hearing about disgusting scenarios you are unlikely to find anything of substance here.

For fans of this movie, they can have the fantasy that they are correct, the rest of the planet will have reality and reason thanks very much.
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