Supercell (2023)
Not a Storm Chaser Movie
2 April 2023
Do not waste your time. This isn't some storm chaser action movie about tornados. It's a boring coming-of-age drama about a kid who's dad was a storm chaser. That's it. There's zero action and a total of three storm scenes: two of which is about 20 seconds long and unexciting.

There were some interesting dialogs regarding meteorology, but nowhere near enough to really help with the movie.

The majority of the movie is just chasing this teen kid around who ran away from his mom and seemingly can't pay attention to his surroundings

There's also some magical scientific "if only you had finished your work you would saves countless lives" device involved as well. They never really explain what it is or what it can potentially do, other than "finding the pulse of the storm". It's never expanded on despite being an initial focus of the protagonist, and is never mentioned in the conclusion.

The movie just sort of... ends.
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