Using a title to get attention...then doing something different
4 April 2023
For anyone wanting more of the great A League of Their Own film will find the only thing this has in common is that title. It is the formula of modern Hollywood. Take a hit from the past, toss everything good about it in the trash, then insert agenda. Forget story, forget historical accuracy, forget...baseball. This show isn't about a women's baseball team. This show is about pushing an agenda.

The audience doesn't want this show...they want A League of Their Own. If the producers had simply set this show in 2022 and made it a modern basketball or soccer team, named it something else, it would have worked. By ripping off ALOTO...you disappointed the fans of the original, and they won't come back.

But them again...nothing is going to fix terrible acting, writing, and directing. This show is a complete mess. Do not believe those 10 ratings, this show is at best a 4...and that is if you know nothing about the original movie.
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