Ridiculous but Fun Rom-Com
6 April 2023
The premise is absurd - a school requiring boys and girls to pair up and live together! Schools should have classes about relationships, but this is clearly going too far. Once this silly premise is established, the series can set up an endless variety of relationship issues and situations. Friendships, crushes, romance, embarrassments, lust, jealousy, selfishness and stupidity are all available here. The variety of issues definitely helps make the series interesting. The voice actors are solid, and I find the English dub actors for Akari and Jiro extra appealing.

On the negative side - (this is just my opinion) there is an over-emphasis on boobs and crotches. Sure, lots of guys want this, but it tends to detract from the story and some will find it offensive.

Also - Jiro is thick headed and this can be funny, but he is just a little too frozen in his character development. I know character development is a balancing act for the writer- too slow and we get frustrated, too fast and we lose out on comedy situations. My opinion is let's keep it moving along.

I am looking forward to season 2. Meanwhile, the story is available as a manga. Season 1 video covers the first 29 chapters of manga, there are 58 chapters available as I write this review. Have fun!
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