The Fugitive: Nobody Loses All the Time (1966)
Season 4, Episode 10
One track mind Gerard
7 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The more I see Gerard, the more I can't stand him. Again and again he has seen that the one armed man does indeed exist. He has even been given statements from a credible witness who heard and seen his confession to killing Kimble's wife.

Now here in a hospital is a woman who is without a doubt connected to the one armed man, but Gerard doesn't care to pursue that. His only care is in his twisted obsession with catching Kimble over finding out the truth of what happened on the night Mrs. Kimble was killed. You would think as a cop, he would want to get at the truth, but no.

He doesn't press Maggie Tibbett on her connection to the one armed man, even after seeing a photo of them together. He doesn't ask where he is so he can question him about Kimble's 3 year accusation against him.

He doesn't seem to care at all with finding out the truth....only to catch Kimble at all costs and to hell with what may have really happened that night, even after evidence continues to accumulate backing up Kimble's words, he completely ignores it.

At this point in the series we should be seeing Gerard having doubts and actually starting to do what Kimble is doing....which is looking for the one armed man and want to question him. But he doesn't seem to care at all about that.

And even if Kimble caught him and shoved him right in Gerard's face, i'm afraid he still won't listen and instead cuff Kimble...gleefully sending him to the electric chair....because 12 people on a jury said it should be. It's so sick, illogical, twisted and unprofessional, and the more I see Gerard, the more I despise him.

At this point Kimble I think should just drop his pursuit and go live in Mexico because he should know that even if he catches the one armed man, it's still going to just be his word against his, and who do you think Gerard is going to believe?!

I can't wait to see just how they're going to wrap this all up.
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