7 April 2023
This is a wonderful, interesting, and informative documentary about beautiful Brooke Shields. Gorgeous from birth, joined at the hip with an alcoholic mother, sexualized at an early age, in the public eye from childhood- she somehow has turned out to be a well adjusted wife, mother, and performer. None of it was easy.

The story of her horrific post-partum depression is heartbreaking. Her story of Zefferelli twisting her toe trying to get a look of ecstasy on her face is hilarious.

What saved her, I think, was truly not being sexualized in her private life, her intelligence, attending Princeton, and her humor. (Trying to find work in show biz after college - "Um, is that Brook with or without an E?")

Enlightening and inspiring, Shields is the true adult daughter of an alcoholic who, frankly, could be a big mess today.
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