His Only Son (2023)
Didn't Fulfill Its Potential
7 April 2023
This movie made up elements and left out such important ones. God's covenant with Abraham, God's speaking with and providing for Hagar, the visitation by the Lord and prophecy of Issac's birth in the coming year (when Sarah laughed, giving Issac his name). I would have preferred the story to be told linearly so we could have agonized with Sarah over her infertility, rejoiced at Issac's birth then really felt the gut punch when God tells Abraham to sacrifice his only son. Also I would have liked to have seen more clearly portrayed Abraham's faith in God's promise that Issac would be the seed to generations and therefore God might even resurrect Issac if necessary. (Hebrews 11:17-19). The movie fell short of my expectations, but I'm glad it has spoken to so many. Hopefully the director will consider sticking more closely to scripture in his future endeavors.
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