The poster is better than the film!
8 April 2023
I am very confused- is it supposed to be awful ironically or did someone try really hard with this?! This is like a failing media studies student, who realised he forgot to film his final exam piece due so had to write it and over the weekend got people off the street and from the porn industry to "act" in it!

At one point, a horny couple wants to go skinny dipping and they are nowhere near a lake!!!!

The bunny..... clearly broke all its legs(which look like chicken legs) and been made out of leftover 100 year old unloved Teddy bears!

I'm sure it was made on power point or movie maker! It is laughable....and not because of the cheesy dialogue but the piss poor effects!!!

It's like watching a train wreck, that is on fire while cars crash into the wreckage.....it is the worst thing you can see but can't turn away!
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