Addictive viewing
8 April 2023
Just got to the end of Season 4 having binge watched to this point. At this time it looks like 8 new episodes await with new ones to come. I regularly look at other comments here which I'd say are largely positive. Whilst there are characters and storylines that are annoying at times, you have to take the rough with the smooth.

I'm a fan and love the show. I watched 1883 first which I thought was magnificent. Next I saw 1923 which I enjoyed less but still a great show. I appreciate the brutality and reality of the shows. Shocking stuff at times.

Ok, which characters are my favourites, warts and all. I absolutely adore Monica. The actress is stunningly beautiful, captivatingly gorgeous. I can forgive her anything. I like Kayce too, he's a good guy.

Jimmy is great, I'm always rooting for him.

Now to Beth. What a fantastic actress Kelly is. Her character pushes and pushes, further and further. This I think isn't realistic or at least, she'd have met her comeuppance by now. I feel for Jamie but don't understand why he's held responsible for the abortion etc? That's down to Beth and her father surely?

Don't know how much longer this rather ridiculous state of affairs can go on. Make it stop please, one way or another.
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