Forrest Gump (1994)
Not a fan of this movie
9 April 2023
Over the years I had often heard how great the movie ' Forrest Gump' really is or was and it's one of the best movies ever made. My mum on the other hand thought it was boring. Over the years I kept switching back and forth as to whether or not I really wanted to watch this movie because it didnt look appealing or something I'd be interested in other than iconic pop culture line of ' Life's like a box of chocolates" thing

Well I finally decided to watch this movie. How bad or good could it be, right? Well sad to say I didnt like this movie at all, it was boring and dragged on for too long throughout the story. I get what ' Forrest Gump' is trying to tell - appreciate the little things in life, what really means most to you and being the best that you can be even when life slaps you in the face. I get it

Im just not a fan of it and that's ok. A movie can have great meaningful lessons and themes to take a way especially if it really touched you but eh if the story is such a drag and so boring, then my interest or the movie's likeability is completely out the window

The character of ' Forrest Gump' is ok. He's wholesome, humble, simple minded, kind and not smart but means well. But eh didnt think he was all that interesting of a character. I dont know, this movie and the character itself didnt click well with me. If I had to say one good thing is the relationship between Forrest and Jenny, they both clearly loved each other but due to the traumas Jenny suffered as a child she felt unworthy and kept running away until finally overcoming her demons and accepting Forrest's love. The different paths they choose before that with Forrest somehow doing well and Jenny not so much was interesting

But overall this is not a movie I think I would want to watch again at all. Not a fan.
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