Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi: Justice (2022)
Season 1, Episode 2
A promising episode with minor mistakes!
9 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Story: A simple yet effective story that shows how the ones who suffer the most from political corruption are people. It also shows how Dooku wasn't afraid to tap into the Dark Side of the Force when he chokes the senator, making it a good foreshadowing of his fall.


Music: The somber music throughout the episode reflects these people's sad and unjust lives and contributes to the tension when the senator arrives.


Design: The planet this was set on (The name is yet unidentified) was a great way to represent how poor these lives are. The primitive architecture and worn-down houses also show that the people don't have the same life quality as other planets. The clothes were also a good way to represent their misery, with the Senator wearing beautiful robes and the villagers clothed in dirty, old clothes. Although some of the hairstyles (particularly Qui-Gon Jinn) and such felt uninspired in my opinion.


Characters: The characters weren't particularly deep, but this story didn't require the depth of characters, nor did it have the time to The senator was a bad corrupt politician and the villagers were good-hearted individuals who were unjustly treated. But I liked the way Dooku was portrayed, as a good man with some flaws, but inherently still with good intentions, making his fall to the Dark Side more powerful.


Acting: Voice acting was the weakest part of this episode, although still good sometimes it felt melodramatic for the sake of it and dull, but mostly very well done.


Animation/CGI: The animation was well done, just like in all the other episodes. I didn't notice many mistakes (while some people don't like the art style of how the faces are portrayed, it's not relevant to animation but the design) which leads me to the conclusion, that this episode's animation is a:


Writing: At last, the writing, which was very well done - except one part of a dialogue between the Senator and his son felt a bit exaggerated.


Overall, this episode is an 8/10.
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