The price for Immortality
9 April 2023
Interview with the Vampire Stars Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, and Kirsten Dunst. In a Story about a vampire named Louis(Brad) who tells his life story to a reporter. Leading up to his meeting a Lestat the Vampire turns him and temptation him into a life of immortality. Only for Louis to reveal all the guilt and torment he has to endure. This might come off as kinda a turn-off to a lot of people it's not your traditional monster film in the sense that it's not just mindless killing for the sake of it, but it it does something different and creates a compelling story, behind it. As were giving a story of humanity while still mixing those horror elements. The relationship told between Louis and Lestat is truly investing, While the movie has Undertones when it comes to its sexuality THere's a Bromance at most between the two with them. Albeit is a very abusive and toxic relationship. Throughout the Film, Louis begins to question the price of being a Vampire the things he has to result to and trying to keep his humanity. This makes for a very interesting concept of having a Vampire who regrets his life and the effect he has on others. Tom Cruise as Lestat contradicts all of the themes as he's just more of this parasite who exploits and manipulates Louis and everyone around him. Such with Kirsten Dunst as this little girl that they meet later on and Lestat turns her to use her and to keep Louis under his control and you get this whole deep arc of her character as now she immortal but stuck in a 12-year-old body it takes its toll on her mentally as time passes. She begins to become more bitter and self-loathing in her life. Kirsten Dunst for being so young at the time adds some much weight to all her scenes and in every way should be commended for it. As tension grows between the three of them. It is a very Psychological Horror, to say the least, and overall it's Compelling while slow to grab you at first. It does grab and then move along never does it feel like the movie drag.
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