Profoundly Disturbing Documentary
10 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If the crimes committed in 1958 had happened today, it would be readily apparent to anyone with a post-secondary level of education or secondary grasp of sociology that Caril Fugate was literally a 14 year old child, kidnapped and tortured by an adult psychopath.

Fugate's family was murdered without her knowledge, and in film and audio clips it's readily apparent that the 14 years old of the 1950s was more similar to the 11 or 12 year old of today. Caril was a child in every way, not a manipulative woman or an "accomplice" - her stalker ex-boyfriend who she broke up with murdered her family then dragged her along on a 600 mile killing spree through Nebraska that ended in Wyoming when she desperately ran to the police for help.

The fact that people can muster so much hate in the year 2023 against this person is astounding. Some of the reviews listed here are absolutely vile, ignorant and misogynistic, the kind of trash one would expect from some old white Republicans from the Midwest.

I am even more angry, though, at the lies that have been perpetuated through popular culture within my own life through movies like Natural Born Killers which falsely romanticized this horrific tale of a criminal grooming an underaged child then nearly ruining her life.

Most of the people involved directly in the events are dead now or would be around 80 or 90 years old. This documentary in no way affected her parole from prison way back in 1983 (40 years ago) so it's not "biased" or "one sided." If anything the past narrative was constructed in a way to make Caril Ann seem older, calculating, and sexually manipulative when in actual police interviews she tells the cops that she's "not sure" if she had sex with her predator then goes on to describe sex in a very naive and virginal way.

There is also hard evidence in the form of audio and visual clips of how naive and sweet Caril Ann continued to be throughout her entire prison sentence and life outside, never getting into trouble and entering helping professions in middle-age as a civilian. I mean the nerve of people saying she should rot in prison is just sick, it's pure misogyny, it is the whole cultural narrative spun that Chuck would never have killed without her when he literally raped and dismembered multiple corpses, including murdering a 3 year old child. The fact that anyone would believe a 14 year old virgin drove him to that is bonkers in the first place. America is a scary place, y'all.
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