Review of Dust

Dust (2018 TV Movie)
A "Coming of Age" story you don't need to see (again)
11 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Rural teenagers (about age 16) working on a dreary, isolated farm (if you don't know, that's white asparagus they're digging up and processing; an annual springtime treat in the EU). Constant consumption of alcohol. No adults present anywhere. A boy with Down syndrome, used/abused as a source of fun from the opening shot, becomes the sex toy of both a girl and a boy. Toxic masculinity. Sex-obsessed teenage girls, one of whom sits in an abandoned caravan keeping count of the number of boys she kisses by scratching lines into the wall with a shard of broken glass.

What could possibly go wrong?

Actually, I am rather ashamed that my neighbouring country het Nederlands is making stuff like this for television in 2018. I am not sure of the point of this (homophobia? Rape? Lack of education? Kids without adult supervision? All of the above?), but I would suggest you could find a better way to spend 41 minutes.

There's nothing here you haven't seen before, treated in a much better light, probably decades ago.
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