Review of Archer

Archer (2009–2023)
"Milk comes from Mexicans? Oh my God, what's cereal made from?!" - Cheryl
12 April 2023
Archer (2009-) it´s a funny animated comedy about a private spy agency. The show is created by a team of highly talented artists, with love and care as a therapy tool for people who lack the sense of humor. :))

The humor is layered with multiple levels. It´s smart, witty, with multiple cultural references. The sarcasm and self irony is at home here.

"-Cyril: How do you not know the different kinds of porn?

-Archer: Because I have sex with actual women, Cyril! My girlfriend's not equal parts the Internet, a tube of Kentucky jelly, self-loathing, and a sock."

If you are new to this show, start with low expectations, there is too much hype around it and this can affect your experience. Don't watch it at night, otherwise your laughter may spook the neighborhood cats.

I really hope this show is continued.
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