12 April 2023
"Una vida asegurada" is an exceptionally moving short film that stands out for many reasons. The story follows a novice insurer, played by Nuria Prims, as she tries to sell a life insurance policy to an elderly woman, played by Luisa Gavasa. However, the plot takes an unexpected turn and ends up being an emotional exploration of aging and mortality.

One of the film's greatest strengths are the performances of Gavasa and Prims. Gavasa is exceptional in her role as the old woman, bringing the character to life with an authenticity and emotion that make it extremely moving. She is able to convey a wide range of emotions, from sadness and fear to joy and acceptance, making the character incredibly realistic and human.

For her part, Prims does a great job as the rookie underwriter, giving the character a sense of vulnerability and sincerity that makes her easy for the viewer to relate to. Her performance is natural and authentic, making her very effective in the role.

The plot of the short film is simple but effective, with unexpected twists and moments of real emotion. The idea of an insurer trying to sell a life insurance policy to an elderly woman, but ending up finding something much more valuable in the process, is intriguing and touching. The plot development is deft and poignant, and the film has a sense of reflection and sadness that is deeply moving.

In addition to the performances and the plot, the sound of "A Life Assured" is impressive and adds an additional layer of depth and emotion to the film.
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