13 April 2023
I absolutely love Strange New Worlds.

Anson Mount impressed in Discovery, before that series went into a dive for irrelevance.

With the rest of an engaging crew with equally accomplished actors around him, sharp writing and exciting standalone episodes (yet with underlying arcs), this is some of the most sophisticated Trek ever presented.

It's as good as DS9 at its best.

The episodes have pace, pathos, peril plus humour and philosophy n solid balance. It's not only great fun and visually gorgeous, it's also very often that rarest of things on screen; good science fiction.

Obviously it has its ups and down, but every episode has left me wanting more and the best of them resonates for days after the experience.

Did I mention that I absolutely love it?

For my money, scrub Discovery, with its worthy but unsatisfying and overplayed appeals to diversity. Push the budget and better actors/characters (no Michael, you aren't on the list) into this. Or the rumoured Section 31 spin off.
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