Some movies are so bad they're good, this isn't one of them
14 April 2023
Sadly, the acting in this film is High School film class quality. The lead actress has fake eyelashes long enough to dust furniture and the poor kids are smiling at times when they're supposed to be terrified.

After an earthquake (?) a woman taking her kids to Grandma's house stops along the side of the road and hears loud scratching noises on the roof. ANYONE with even a lick of sense would drive off, instead, her and the kids get out and see a monster on the roof. Then instead of jumping back into the car where it's safe they run away with all the quickness of a sloth. They come across two guys covered in blood that tell them there's monsters nearby and that they came from a cave. They hear growling noises coming from inside the cave and what do they do? They run into the cave. The woman and kids then run to a house with a front door that couldn't stay closed against a slight breeze let alone monsters. There's a motley crew of people inside including a nun with a bad accent and changing complexion, and 4 others. The CGI isn't super bad but the writing, the terrible acting and bad plot lines (people do stuff that no one would ever do) just distract from everything so much that it's unwatchable. Nobody in this movie is afraid, there's T-Rex, giant spiders and other monsters running around and nobody shows even a hint of terror. Even though a couple of the actors give it a valiant effort, it's just terrible directing. Not worth seeing this one.
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