Russell Crowe is'a the Pope's Exorcist
14 April 2023
Wow what a boring, bland piece of demonic trash! Almost nothing happens this entire movie that takes place in basically one setting. Every trope ever conceived in an exorcism movie is on full display, but in the most bland way possible. It's as if the director doesn't know how to orchestrate tension because there was ZERO.

The demon was an absolute joke with little to no power. All the demon would do was stay tied to the bed and yell terribly wirtten expletives that you would hear a 9 year-old yell in an Xbox Live lobby.

The only somewhat redeeming/entertaining factor of this movie was Russell Crowe in an extremely random role. Still, they didn't let Crowe chew the scenery enough because the director probably wanted to keep the vibe of the movie "dark and horrifying", though it was most definitely neither.

There was also a terrible part during the finale where Crowe and his sidekick pull out their crosses for one last chance at beating the demon. I kid you not, when they pulled out the crosses, they made a high-pitched "power-up" noise, as if the crosses were charging up a power attack. What an absolute joke!

I can't believe all the people giving this dumpster fire a 9 or 10. Thats just complete disrespect to cinema and you should be thrown to the depths of Hell for such blasphemy.

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