Smokin' Aces (2006)
Smokin' Crap! 💩💩💩
14 April 2023
This is one of the worst movies that I have ever seen. Wow!!! The script was horrible.

From the very first scene this movie tells you it's a big piece of 💩. The only good actor in this was Ray Liotta, everyone else sucked. The script was horrible, the actors were terrible, the editing sucked, most of the camera work was awful and the cgi was terrible. I got a headache from watching this.

This movie felt like someone did a bunch of cocaine and was supposed to make a trashy music video but instead made a movie. Also, a bunch of FBI agents were shot but Ryan Reynolds only cares about his partner. And I wonder how many people the FBI murdered by shooting blindly into the hotel across the street?

This is one of the stupidest movies that I have ever seen, and that's that I fast forwarded through most of it.
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