The stories we tell ourselves shape our reality.
15 April 2023
My interpretation of this film is that it explores the subjective nature of reality. Where we are going, and where we came from are stories that we tell ourselves. Our stories are how we make sense of the world and form our reality. This idea holds throughout the film as a guiding principle. Everything the characters experienced is filtered through their own interpretation and point of view. This movie begins with the characters living off the land in very harsh circumstances. They dream of a better life which manifests before them, but it is not perfect. It is still cold, there is no ocean and no rain. It ends with a new dream, a new story that is full of promise and hope. The characters are heartened by this hope of a better life, which motivates them to once again move on in pursuit of their dream. Even the weather is holds more promise for their new quest. The film's final scene tells us the main message of this film, "Change your story, and you change your reality."
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