Murder, She Wrote: The Petrified Florist (1993)
Season 9, Episode 15
A cracking episode.
17 April 2023
Jessica stays with her journalist friend Frances Hunt, the night after a huge dinner party is thrown, florist to the stars Billy Kyle is killed.

This one is certainly different, it doesn't stick to the rules or follow any pattern, it does have some unique points. First of all, the name dropping, I absolutely loved it, all manner of Hollywood A Listers are referenced, it's amusing, secondly, I loved the choice of victim, you think you know who's going to meet a grizzly end, but the victim is so unexpected, it made it all the more interesting.

I really did enjoy the performance of Gregory Sierra, who played Lieutenant Caceras, to my knowledge he hasn't appeared as the character previously, but he has appeared as other characters. Caceras would return later on.

It made me chuckle how they focused on Davey Wells hairy chest throughout that hospital scene, that was so funny.

One of Series nine's best episodes.

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