At least it's different.
20 April 2023
OK, one episode down and first impressions:

They really hit the ground running here. You cannot say they did not make it visually interesting very quicky. It's intriguing, I guess because you can't help asking yourself "what cheesed them off so much?" because there has to be something to make their reactions incredibly disproportionate.

I wonder why they're both Korean Americans...maybe it's just a coincidence but it's mentioned in the script. I dare say it will come up later. Maybe I'm more racially prejudiced than I thought but watching these two people from the same community begin what we all know is going to be a feud of sorts sat with me in a very particular way. I mean if they don't look out for each other, who will? White people? My whole family's white so I like to think I'm an authority on them.

But in all seriousness: after the explosive opening we get to see the wider picture on these two individuals. Their circumstances are very different: one is struggling to earn money which he needs for his family, the other is in money but lives that quiet desperation of the petit-bourgeois suburban house-mother slowly watching her own ambitions not happen.

These are clearly two people who could have thoroughly identified with each other and no, not for their common ethnicity (that's racist) but because they both know life is a struggle ("there's always something") but unfortunate events have pitted them against each other.

I suppose that will be the subtext for the next 9 episodes; they realise they're not so different after all and will be love story of sorts. Not a sexual/romantic love story like Frozen but where it's best if they remain platonic, like Ross and Rachael.

Like Transparent, it's so not a comedy but the tone is consistently comedic. Every scene has a caustic undertone but there is still deep empathy for two deeply unlucky but ultimately not hateable characters.

I don't know if I will continue with this. This one episode was well paced and didn't have anything too painful in it but I might just take the ending of this episode as the closest we will get to a happy ending and leave off.

At the moment I like him more than I like her.
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