The Mandalorian: Chapter 24: The Return (2023)
Season 3, Episode 8
21 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
That's all I'm left saying after this finale.

Why make another season.

Why did Djarin not adopt Grogu before.

Why is Grogu's adoption a random bone toss in the middle of the finale instead of an arc.

Why wasn't Bo's arc more in depth, and why didn't they develop the conflict of Bo thinking that all that made a leader was holding the Darksaber only for this episode to show her the people would still rally behind her.

Why did they make Grogu struggle with basic tasks like putting wires together or comprehending danger in seasons 1 and 2 then suddenly Grogu somehow had the mental capability to train as a Jedi 30 years before that point, and now has the ability to use the Force essentially at will.

Why wasn't his mastering the use of the Force an arc.

Why did I watch 300 minutes of Bo doing errands for a single line payoff of "muh unity" in the finale (which was literally her attitude in Rebels, actually the fifth line she speaks of the season is complaining about disunity).

And why oh £#^%{ why did they bring back IG-11 and invalidate his sacrifice? What did that have to do with anything?

This episode was mostly good... in a vacuum. But a finale is only the final piece of the puzzle; if you crammed in the pieces all willy nilly with little care as to where you were putting them, you can spend as much time as you like carefully putting in that last piece.... and it's not going to get you anywhere.

Was the action good and unique? Yes. But did we spend time developing arcs for Axe, Djarin, Grogu, and Bo or even the stakes this season enough to have some tension or care during this action? No.

Was the dialogue good and the character moments like Bo's turning on the Forges or Grogu being adopted good in theory? Yes. But was Bo's character arc consistently developed and maintained? Did Bo learn anything from her time in a cult other than "we need to work together", a attitude she already had during Rebels? Did Grogu have any conflict about being Djarin's family this season? No, no, and no.

There were literally no character arcs this season.

I don't know what happened to this show. This show was the one that did the IG-11 redemption arc. The Kuill not turning the other way arc. The Djarin not turning the other way arc. This show used to be revolutionary storytelling not just for Star Wars. Now it's an inconsistent rubbish pile of half baked ideas.

As for my rating. In of itself, it was pretty solid, again. The action was good, dialogue great, and the character moments so good... if this was a standalone story and not a part of a season long narrative. It was nice that they differentiated Gideon from Gus I guess. 8/10 material, maybe could've been even better if the arcs that were developed to this point were out of this world. However, I'm taking off 2 for bringing back IG-11, and thereby invalidating his sacrifice. 1 more because it was literally just to please a baby character. 1 for inconsistent Grogu mental maturity. 2 for paying off arcs that didn't exist or were threadbare.

I used to love this show. The first season was probably my favorite season of Star Wars television.
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