Star Trek: Picard: The Last Generation (2023)
Season 3, Episode 10
Feels like a Star Trek Convention to please old fans
21 April 2023
Well, I cannot chime into the positive reviews of so many others. The nostalgia is nice but feels forced. The plot is lame and rather an excuse for gathering all the fan favorite TNG characters on the original Enterprise.

We meet Picard's son that soon becomes the center of the story when Changelings try to capture him. This "introduce a son to continue the saga while still having a connection to original characters" is always a bad and uninspiring idea in movies. This didn't work for Indiana Jones, it didn't work for The Mummy, it didn't work for Die Hard... and it also doesn't work for Star Trek. Picard's son is not Jean Luc. He is a stranger. To Picard, to the viewers. And he is unlikeable. His English accent is a joke. Explanation? He went to school in England. Oh yeah, sure. His character is annoying. Why would Picard ever feel a connection to him? Never met him, he is not like him. Just genetics. But suddenly he feels like a father. Act like a father. Zi hope, he won't show up i a new series with Seven of Nine on a new Enterprise.

The Changeling villain overacts like crazy. She never feels really threatening. The Borg never showed up, until the end. And then you wonder: Who are they? Season 2 had a meaning or not? How many Borg queens and Borg collectives are there? Where is Agnes? And why is there not a single word about Riker's and Troi daughter from season 1? What happened to her? We get the full family stories of everyone else.

The whole story is stupid. The young are infected and tada, the old suddenly shine. And Borg cubes obviously have lots of unused space. You can fly inside with a massive space ship and still have enough room to all sides.

What I also don't like about this season: Everything is always dark. When they enter the old Enterprise and suddenly it is bright and beige and not black and dark like on any other ship, then one can clearly see how Star Trek changed over the years. Today, every story must be grim and dark, hopeless and about the end of civilization as we know it.

The whole season is just a big get together. And the last episode just doesn't find an ending. Data talking about being human, poker playing, a new Enterprise in the ship dock, Seven becoming Captain... a lame story stretched over 10 episodes. Back in TNG time this could have been told in 2 episodes.
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