Oh boy.
22 April 2023
I'm open minded and agnostic about UFO'S or UAP'S. But this is just more of the same. Don't be sucked in by the PR about this one folks, or the involvement of Matthew Modine and a famous Quantum Physicist. This is another in a long, long line of awful UFO documentaries with breathtaking interviews with the same Ufologists (breathtaking in their stupidity and/or greed), awful re-enactments of shadowy government figures and horrible CGI of flying saucers and aliens. Since the UAP hearings in congress in 2020, the Ufologist and UFO entertainment community has been in a tizzy to both capitalise on the publicity, while also simultaneously trying to reclaim their status as the only folks who know what's *really* going on. They fantasise about Black Hawk helicopters buzzing above their houses and having attended briefings with presidents and CIA directors while expressing irritation that their profitable conspiracy theories are suddenly being outdone by genuinely interesting mainstream events.

They're either not the sharpest tools in the shed, or blatantly trying to make money. If you're interested in genuinely interesting UFO phenomena, check out the documentary about the South African school incident in the 80s called Ariel Phenomena. Or Moment Of Contact. These are the only two I've found that are made by serious, intelligent people and professional film makers. This one is just like the other 1000 UFO documentaries with bad covers streaming all over the internet.
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