The Mandalorian: Chapter 24: The Return (2023)
Season 3, Episode 8
Why are people acting like this show was ever something else?
22 April 2023
I enjoyed this episode and the rest of this season, and by the looks of it, a lot more than other people. This show is just surface-level, easy going entertainment in the Star Wars universe, and that's what it always has been. I don't know why some reviewers are comparing this show to Andor - did you really ever think The Mandalorian was ever on the same level of storytelling as Andor? And that it's somehow dropped in quality? No, The Mandalorian was never like Andor, so why act like it? It's not a bad thing that this show isn't like Andor - The Mandalorian is just a fun Star Wars show to watch, that's all it needs to be and ever has been. I wasn't a huge fan of the first two seasons because I didn't feel like a lot happened in them - mostly just Din Djarin hopping around doing odd-jobs, which is fine, but nothing for me to rave about. I really enjoyed this season because there was a lot more going on in the plot and we focused more on other characters - it was a breath of fresh air. People need to stop giving this season stupid 1/10 reviews and acting entitled like they have been betrayed by the writers, when really their memories are betraying them. It is good to see that more people have a higher standard of TV shows though - I certainly would like more Star Wars shows like Andor, so please push for it. But not everything has to be the new Breaking Bad of shows.
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