Ladies Who Do (1963)
The char business really picks things up in this fine British comedy
23 April 2023
I don't know what the producers had in mind with the tittle of this film. . Robert Morley's Colonel describes the title of their firm, LADEZUDU, as Ladies, You Do. It surely invites the use of one's imagination. But this is a delightful little British comedy. All filmed in London, and yet it's first release was in the U. S. A. Well, some Hollywood films are released first in the U. K., so who knows what the movie moguls are up to, or looking for.

Morley, in the second lead of this film, will be recognized by movie fans on both sides of the pond, and around the world. And the first lead, Peggy Mount, should be recognized by film mavens, at least in the English-speaking world. She was a riot in "The Naked Truth" (aka, "Your Past in Showing") of 1957. Most of the rest of this cast won't be known outside of the U. K. except by the most ardent and long-time, fastidious, film watchers.

But the ladies and Morley have lots of fun as they beat the money-grubbers at their own game, make a mint and save their neighborhood on the side. Harry Corbett gives a good performance as the flustered James Ryder.

Here are some favorite lines from this film.

James Ryder, "Well, gentlemen, we've all been hit by this thing. I'm getting so jumpy I don't even trust myself."

Mrs. Cragg, "Ten minutes ago we had 15,000 pigs. Now we haven't got a ham sandwich between us."

Emily Parish, "What are we voting for?" Mrs. Cragg, "Pigs!"

Mrs. Higgins, "What about your bosses, eh? Look at them, sittin' there, stuffin' themselves with goose and caviar. Yeah, well you go and tell them that the bourgeois and proletariat blood will mingle in the gutters of the Kerry Crossroad before they get chucked out of here. Go on, tell 'em!"

James Ryder, "There's 500 quid in it for you." Mrs. Cragg, "Five hundred? For doing what?" Ryder, "Nothing." Mrs. Cragg, "You told me yourself, that nobody gives you anything for nothing."

Mrs. Cragg, "There's one thing that money can't buy - that's friends."
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